I entered a room but now I can’t move!

To move around in POPUP simply click anywhere on the screen. Your video feed should move to where you click.

If your video feed doesn’t move as expected when you first enter OR when you move to a new room, try some of the following solutions:

  • Make sure the room you are in allows movement at all. Some rooms may be designed to only allow movement in some spots, or may not allow it anywhere. You can tell if the room allows movement in a certain area by hovering your cursor over the area and checking to see if it indicates that the area can be clicked. Moveable areas will change your cursor to a pointing hand icon (on desktop devices) when you hover over them.
  • Make sure you haven't experienced any internet issues while visiting. Losing connection to the venue can cause issues that may not be readily-apparent. If this has occurred, simply refresh the page once your internet connection has returned.
    • If this still doesn't help, try closing your browser and re-opening the venue in an incognito/private tab. For instructions on how to open an incognito tab in chrome, refer to this help page.
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