How do I enter the experience?
To begin, ensure that you are visiting on the correct type of device and a recommended browser.
POPUP venues can be viewed on desktop computers, mobile devices, and laptops. Individual venues may not be designed to support all possibilities - it depends on the venue designer's choices.
When you first arrive at a POPUP venue that you have access to, you will be presented with an intro message and a button to proceed into the venue.
🙌 If you do not have access, it may be because the venue is closed, the event is over, it requires a password, or does not support your device. Contact the venue owner if you think you mistakenly haven't been given access.
If the venue uses video avatars and/or microphone permissions, then you will be taken to the avatar creation screen upon clicking the entry button. Here, you will be asked for browser permissions that POPUP will require in order to correctly display your avatar.

Ensure you allow these permissions to continue. If you block access to your webcam or microphone, POPUP will not be able to let you in. To reset permissions, you can follow instructions here.
🙌 Not every POPUP venue will require both camera and microphone permissions; some may only require one or the other (or none at all if video and microphone avatars are not set).