I have given permissions to use camera and microphone but the feed is still not working
The most common cause of this error is another app taking exclusive control of your mic or camera, and preventing other apps from accessing it. This can happen even when you're not actively using the mic or camera in another app.
Your browser can potentially also tell you that you have given permission to use your camera and microphone, but not alert you to another app taking exclusive control of that feed. To fix this, try the following:
- Close any other applications or webpages that could be using your mic or camera and reload the page.
- If that doesn't work, try restarting your browser.
- If that doesn't work, try restarting your computer and only open the browser you are using to attend the event.
If you're getting sound but your video feed is not appearing, this may be because you're on a VPN.
⚠ Please make sure you sign off from VPN before you log in to ensure full connectivity.