What is POPUP?
The way we host large events and performances has changed significantly.
With POPUP we have designed a series of online experiences that take us closer to in-person social serendipity. Introducing context and shared activities into the design of virtual spaces allows us to encounter people as we do in real life, or strike up a conversation with a colleague.
Do I have to give access to my camera and microphone?
Yes! This is a POPUP experience which requires you to give the browser access to your camera and microphone so that you can socialize through your video feed and speak with other attendees.
Can I access POPUP on my phone or tablet?
Yes, but only if the POPUP designer has created a venue accommodating mobile users.
How do I mute myself?
Simply hover your cursor over your avatar (or tap your avatar on mobile) and press the microphone button that appears.
How do I mute others?
Hover your pointer over someone else's avatar feed and you’ll see a speaker icon pop up. Click the to mute their audio feed for you exclusively.
How do I move around?
You can move around the screen by clicking your mouse - your video feed will travel towards where you click.
Why don’t I see everyone in my POPUP experience at once?
POPUP spaces hold up to 8-12 people which is what we think is the sweet spot for being able to see, chat, play and connect with one another. Once a space reaches the maximum number of people then we clone a new, identical space for others to enjoy.